
Audio Door Phone : is a communication device used in residential or commercial buildings to allow two-way communication between a visitor at the entrance and the occupant inside. It is commonly used as a security measure to screen and identify visitors before granting them access to the premises.

Indoor Unit (Handset/Intercom): This unit is installed inside the building, usually near the entrance or in a central location. It has a speaker, a microphone, and sometimes a display. When the indoor unit receives a call from the outdoor unit, the occupant can answer the call, communicate with the visitor, and decide whether to grant access.

Outdoor Unit (Doorbell/Intercom Station): This unit is installed at the entrance or gate. It usually includes a microphone, a speaker, and a call button. When a visitor presses the call button, it initiates a call to the indoor unit.

Video Door Phone : is an advanced version of an audio door phone system that includes video capabilities, allowing occupants to both see and communicate with visitors at the entrance. This type of system adds a visual element to the traditional intercom setup, providing an additional layer of security and convenience. Here's how a typical video door phone system works:

Outdoor Unit (Video Intercom Station): Similar to the audio door phone, the outdoor unit contains a camera, microphone, speaker, and call button. The camera captures live video footage of the visitor, and the microphone and speaker facilitate two-way audio communication.

Indoor Unit (Monitor/Handset): The indoor unit is equipped with a display screen, speaker, and microphone. When a visitor presses the call button on the outdoor unit, the indoor unit receives the video feed, allowing the occupant to see and talk to the visitor. Some indoor units may also have touchscreens for additional functionality

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